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Transition to v16: Rise of Muran

edited May 2018 in Announcements

Transition to v16: Rise of Muran

On May 19 6AM GMT/UTC +8 Servers will be inaccessible for an undetermined number of hours to give way for v16 transition.
All accounts, characters, items and EPoints will still be intact.


3rd Job Evolution (Third Job Classes)

- Characters who reach level 130 can complete their respective third job evolution
- Single-path evolutions for each of the eight second jobs introduce new skills and equipment.

New leveling map accessible with Traseia Ticket

 - Mobs: lvl 116-127  Boss: "Guan Yu Heavyblade"  

New Zone "Kaillun" from north of "Valley of Risen" with a safe-zone city "Eillun"

 - Mobs: 129-134 Boss: "Chief Keokuk"

New Instance Ankou's Asylum

- New instanced dungeon comes with tremendously powerful masquerpets and a super boss (God of Death) Ankou
- Ankou drops Baruna Equipments

New Weapons & Shields

- These are all Baruna-Classed weapons
- Skill Shields
- Risen's Armory
- Muran Shields and Weapons

Boss Drops:

- Drakul, Kheldor, Ankou, Khan, Khan[M] drops Berk Runes
- GuanYu Heavy Blade at Traseia drops accesories, gems.
- Chief Keokuk at Kaillun drops Stone of Balance, Crystal of Order.
- Razgul now drops "Grimore of the Risen" for Mentalists and "The Doom Guard" for Templars (both Baruna shields)
- Kheldor now drops "Vorpal Blade" and "Demonic Eye" for Force Masters and Templars (both Baruna weapons)
- Kheldor now drops 125 set parts with a higher chance
- New Boss Ankou drops Baruna Weapons (lvl 135 for 3rd jobs), Stone of Balance, Crystal of Order
- 1-hit Runes disabled, Echoes of Weary skill disabled

General Changes:

- All boss, and some normal monsters Block rate/ Evasion halved
- Tower floor 1-5 and other instance dugeon navigator map now visible
- Pet movement speed increased and removed collision
- Instance Monster Aggro System
- Max toon level increased to 139H
- 14 Buff count limit removed
- New Items on Vote Shop, Penya Sink, and EP Shop
- Login wait time from 15s to 6s on invalid attempt
- Aminus Jewelry Box can be opened
- Remantis cooldown set to 5s
- Channel 2 Removed
- Removed blue name reward for Max Level
- Level Up Rewards Update

v16 "Rise of Muran" Launch Event! (May 19 - 25)

Greetings Flyffers! It's been a long time and version 16 "Rise of Muran" has arrived! Grab your gear, prep up, and get ready to defend Madrigal once again on an epic proportion!

Attack Booster +300

To help all players to get started, everyone in game will get a global +300 bonus ATK. This little blessing from Rhisis herself should help you all out with leveling on the new maps.
The attack bonus will be unnoticeable on the character info window and it has no buff icon like a global passive buff.

Week-long uninterrupted 2.5x EXP Event!

Experience multiplier will be increased from normal 2x to 2.5 for 1 week!

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