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How to make an instant penya for a Newbie 2ndjob classes

For some other newbie player who want an instant penya for there want items like weapon/armor/jewelry.

There are some techniques that can acquire with no other help of the other player just your dual client attacker player and the assist/healer player:
The "Ivillis Mushellizer" located in Ivillis Temple in SaintMorning

that Giant monster has a NPC Drop that can collect and sell it to the NPC SHOP, so you can earn enough penya for your needed items
I paste a guide map to go there.

Note: 2ndjob needed is a mandatory, because you earn much EXP when you kill that giant.
much better if you have a party or you are a party leader with the party level.40
so you can use the party skill like
"Linked Attack" for fast killing
"Lucky Drop" for increase drop chance items
"Gift Box" for increase the amount items

the level i required to farm in that monster is lv.60-lv.70, because if you got a level.71 that monster has become a no drop monster, due to level gap.
You can farm also the "Ivillis Puppet" that monster has also a droping quest item of "Garbageton" so you can collect that when you have a QI quest in garbandage spider lv.65
and also you can kill the "Ivillis Boxter" that monster has a drop of "Ivillis weapons"

TIPS: Blade/Bow Type Jester or Fast Kill Job is much better when killing that Giant monster.

Sorry for my bad English im from Philippines :)

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