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Upgrading Armor or Weapon

what you need:
- Sunstone

You need Sunstone for you to upgrade your equipment. Upgrading your armor can increase your defense and upgrading your weapon can increase your damage. +0 is the lowest and +10 is the highest upgrade.

How to upgrade your Armor or Weapon using UNSAFE MODE
+1 up to +3 is safe to upgrade therefore if ever the upgrade is failed your item will not break. Attempting to upgrade +3 to +4 or higher, there would be a chance to fail and destroy your item.

  1. Buy a sunstone or if you already have one double click it.
  2. Click on the item you want to upgrade.

How to upgrade your Armor or Weapon using SAFE MODE

What you need:
- Sunstone


- Scroll of Smelting (Optional)

Note: SPRO and Scroll of Smelting can be only found in Flyff Premium Shop and use SPRO and Scroll of Smelting when attempting to upgrade to +4 up to +10.

  1. Activate first the SPRO by double clicking it.
  2. (Optional) Active Scroll of Smelting by double clicking it. (This will increase upgrade success chance by 10%)
  3. Double click Sunstone.
  4. Click on the item you want to upgrade.

By the use of SPRO, it will prevent your item from any destruction when the upgrade fails.

Upgrade Armor Bonuses

Upgrading Accessories

What you need
- Moonstone

You need Moonstone for you to upgrade your jewellery or Accessories. Upgrading your accessories can increase the stats attribute. +0 is the lowest and +20 is the highest upgrade.

How to upgrade your Jewellery or Accessories using UNSAFE MODE
+1 up to +3 is safe to upgrade therefore if ever the upgrade is failed your item will not break. Attempting to upgrade +3 to +4 or higher, there would be a chance to fail and break your item.

  1. Buy a Moonstone, if you already have one double click it.
  2. Click on the item you want to upgrade.

How to upgrade your Armor or Weapon using SAFE MODE

What you need:
- Moonstone

- Aprotect

Note: Aprotect can be only found in Flyff Premium Shop and use Aprotect when attempting to upgrade to +4 up to +20.

  1. Activate first the Aprotect by double clicking it.
  2. Double click Moonstone.
  3. Click on the item you want to upgrade.

By the use of Aprotect, it will prevent your accessory from any destruction when the upgrade fails.

Upgraded Accessories Stats


Awakening item requires the use of Scroll of Awakening. Awakening will add additional stats to a piece of item. The stats may result in negative stats or positive stats.

Where to buy Scroll of Awakening
[Jewel Manager] Peach

Located at Central Flaris, beside BoboChan.

Items that can be awakened:
- Any Weapon
- Any Shield
- Any Armor (Helm, Suit, Gauntlet, Boots)

Awakening stats for Weapon, Shield, and Suit:
- A weapon, shield, and Suit can get all possible awakening stats.

Awakening stats for Helm:
- Str
- Dex
- Int
- Sta
- Max HP
- Max MP
- Max FP

Awakening stats for Gauntlet:
- Attack Power
- Attack Speed
- Critical Chance (%)
- Decreased Casting Time
- Max MP
- Max FP

Awakening stats for Boots:
- Additional Damage of Critical Hit (ADOCH)
- Defense
- Speed (Movement Speed)
- Max HP
- Max MP
- Max FP

Note: Scroll of Awakening has a fee of 100,000 Penya. Awakening has a 100% success rate and there's no chance of breaking your item during awakening.

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