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[EVENT] Rock Paper Scissors and Superhero

Greetings FlyFFers,

For a month, the "Naughty Demian" will be challenging you for a game. Win rock-paper-scissors consecutively and you will get some nifty rewards:
* Win once and you'll be rewarded with 9 Mysterious Pills .
* Win twice in a row and you'll be rewarded 5 Event Moonstones(bound) .
* Win 3 times in a row and you'll be rewarded 8 Event Sunstones(bound) .
* Win 4 times in a row and you'll be rewarded with a Scroll of Party EXP(7-days) .
* Win 5 times in a row and you'll be rewarded with 2 Scrolls of Amplification ES (S) .
* Win 6 times in a row and you'll be rewarded with 6 Scrolls of Reversion .
* Win 7 times in a row and you'll be rewarded with 3 Blessings of the Goddess(bound) .
* Win 8 times in a row and you'll be rewarded with a Chameleon Pet.
* Win 9 times in a row and you'll be rewarded with an OMG Cloak
* Win 10 times in a row and you'll be rewarded with The Hot One .

The catch? Well, you need to hunt for Pumpkins which are dropped by all Masquerpets level 20 and above. Trade 5 Pumpkins and 100,000 Penya for a Coupon from the "Mayor of Flarine".

This mischievous munchkin won't give you the time of day unless you bring him a Rock Paper Scissors Coupon !

In addition, we all become a Superhero! All players get a passive +100 ATK and DEF boost.

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